The group EAT LOCAL MAUI! grew organically, out of several previous 100% local eating challenges, which gathered hundreds of participants across the islands to support locally grown products and share resources, recipes, and inspiration. 

EAT LOCAL MAUI, has served as a digital resource for our locally grown food conscious community for 10 years. The COVID-19 pandemic made the need for such a resource more evident than ever.

For the upcoming EAT LOCAL MAUI challenge, we are confident that there will higher participation than ever before. Faced with unprecedented levels of food insecurity, our community is waking up to the importance of shopping small and buying local.

The State of Hawaii currently imports 85-90% of its food. This heavy reliance on imported foods makes Hawaii extremely vulnerable to many external factors, as any disruption to the state’s import chain would leave Hawaii with a severely limited food supply.

Let's begin to break our dependence on imported food by supporting and identifying our local farmers and food producers. We can help each other by promoting and showcasing local products and businesses on Maui that will aid in our success in this challenge!

By joining the EAT LOCAL MAUI Challenge, we collectively achieve a better sense of what it truly means to be eating local and hopefully pick up some healthy habits along the way. Anytime we can substitute a local product for an imported one we are injecting money back into our local economy as well as helping us all move towards a more self sufficient and food-secure future.

What People Are Saying

“We are so lucky to have incredible produce booming year-round, and yet we still import up to 90% of of our food supply. This challenge is boosting awareness of this pressing issue and encouraging us all to start with a simple step towards the solution-- vote with your dollar and eat within your reach. The next step, grow whatever food you can.”


“I can’t believe we’re already nearing the end of our Eat Local Challenge. Mahalo ke Akua for all this beautiful food and the community of people gathering around it.”



“If you live in Hawaii, you can do this challenge.

Manini (caught today), dried aku (caught da ada day), ahi sashimi (FRRRRESH) poi, ogo, tomato, onion, banana, lychee ALL grown in Hawai'i, mostly in Maui.”


“I imagine I'll shed a few pounds while supporting local businesses at the same time. BONUS! And because of that, I'm going to do it for the rest of the month. “



#projectlocavore #eatlocalmaui2020

Register for the EAT LOCAL MAUI Challenge and accumulate points to qualify for prizes! Earn points for all levels of participation, from making one locally sourced meal to eating 100% local for the whole 30 days!